0 2583 8035,
09 8995 4650
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Plastic Injection Machine Insulation

Product Details

For factories or establishments using plastic injection machines, whether installed in general areas or air-conditioned spaces, and wanting to save electricity costs to reduce unnecessary production costs or reduce carbon footprint from the production process, installing removable thermal insulation ZAVE® is another effective option for implementing energy saving projects. Besides durability, aesthetics, and ease of maintenance, it offers the following benefits:

  • Reduces electricity costs by approximately 10-15% (depending on temperature and operating hours)
  • Reduces heat loss at heater surface by more than 80%
  • Reduces electricity costs from air conditioning systems when located in air-conditioned rooms
  • Helps reduce radiant heat in work areas, protecting employees from heat stress
  • Helps shorten the boot/start time of plastic injection machines