0 2583 8035,
09 8995 4650
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Case Study: Controlling Heat Hazards from Steam Systems in an Industrial Setting


Problem and Impact

  1. Heat Sources:
    • Steam control system components: valves, strainers, heat exchangers, and steam pipes
    • Heat radiation from metal surfaces
  2. Effects on Employees:
    • Excessive sweating
    • Fatigue
    • Stress from cumulative heat exposure throughout work hours



  1. Steam Control System:
    • Control valves lack insulation
    • Surface temperatures radiating heat reach 180-200°C
  2. Work Environment:
    • Work area temperatures range from 37-39°C
    • Some areas lack ventilation, causing room temperatures to reach 40°C



  1. Heat Management:
    • Install removable insulation on all steam control system components
  2. Ventilation:
    • Install air supply fans for employees in specific areas
  3. Reducing Direct Heat Contact:
    • Install CCTV for remote system monitoring in certain areas, reducing the need for direct employee presence


Results of Improvements

  1. Temperature:
    • Surface temperature of steam control components reduced to about 35-45°C
    • Area temperature decreased by approximately 3-5°C
  2. Safety:
    • Reduced risk of accidents from both direct and indirect heat contact


Lessons Learned

  • Managing heat at the source (steam system) is an effective method to reduce risks and improve the working environment
  • Using removable insulation is a good option for systems requiring regular inspection and maintenance
  • Problem-solving should encompass heat reduction, ventilation, and minimizing direct heat contact
  • Technology like CCTV can help reduce risks for employees


Additional Recommendations

  • Develop a regular maintenance plan for heat insulation and ventilation systems
  • Consider improving the overall room ventilation system, especially in areas with temperatures reaching 40°C
  • Train employees on heat hazards, self-protection methods, and proper use of personal protective equipment
  • Consider using automatic temperature control technology to increase energy efficiency of the steam system
  • Study the feasibility of utilizing waste heat in other factory processes
  • Consider implementing rotational work schedules to reduce the duration of continuous exposure to high heat for employees.