0 2583 8035,
09 8995 4650
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Case Study: Solving Heat Exposure Problems from Industrial Ovens


Problem and Impact

  1. Environment:
    • Closed-system baking room
    • Two employees stationed at the oven
    • During operation, oven surface temperature reaches 300-350°C
  2. Effects on Employees:
    • Employees sitting near the oven experience fatigue
    • Frequent discomfort and illness



  1. Oven Design:
    • Internal heat insulation present, but no external heat insulation
    • Oven surface area approximately 8 square meters
    • Surface temperature exceeds 350°C
  2. Ventilation System:
    • Inadequate air supply system for employees



  1. Heat Management:
    • Install external insulation on all sides of the oven, including hot air ducts
  2. Human Resource Management:
    • Recommend increasing the number of employees per shift
    • Aim to reduce heat exposure time for each employee
  3. Cooling System Improvement:
    • Recommend upgrading individual cooling systems to correlate with room temperature


Results of Improvements

  • Oven surface temperature reduced from 300-350°C to only 45.8°C


Lessons Learned

  • Managing heat at the source (oven) is an effective method to reduce risks and improve the working environment
  • Problem-solving should cover both engineering aspects (insulation installation) and management aspects (work scheduling)
  • Improving individual cooling systems is another method to mitigate heat impacts


Additional Recommendations

  • Regularly monitor and evaluate employee health, especially in the initial period after improvements
  • Develop a regular maintenance plan for heat insulation and cooling systems
  • Consider installing a continuous temperature monitoring system in the work area to monitor and alert if temperatures exceed set limits
  • Train employees on heat hazards, how to recognize abnormal symptoms, and basic first aid
  • Consider using technology or automated systems to reduce the need for employees to be near the oven for extended periods
  • Study the feasibility of utilizing waste heat in other factory processes
  • Consider improving the design of future baking rooms, taking into account heat ventilation and radiation protection from the design stage.