0 2583 8035,
09 8995 4650
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Important Considerations When Selecting Thermal Insulation


When it’s time to solve on-site problems by installing thermal insulation, whether removable or conventional, the following factors should be considered when deciding on insulation:

  1. Installation Location of Thermal Insulation
  • Is it for indoor or outdoor use, with potential UV and water exposure?
  • Does the installation require protection systems against environmental damage?
  • How challenging is maintenance or repair work? (e.g., insulation at heights or in confined spaces)
  1. Total Area Requiring Insulation
  • What shape should the insulation take? (e.g., flat sheets, pipe-shaped curves, or other forms)
  • Are complete drawings/specifications available to minimize errors?
  • Is the required insulation quantity clearly specified and accurately estimated for actual work?
  1. Required Temperature Conditions
  • Is the target average temperature after insulation installation known?
  • What is the maximum temperature the insulation must withstand during extended use?
  • Are specific thermal conductivity requirements needed for particular temperature ranges?
  1. Surface Preparation for Insulation Installation
  • Can insulation be installed directly, or is surface cleaning required?
  • Is surface preparation necessary? (e.g., rust removal, heat-resistant paint application)
  • Is there a risk of Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)?
  1. Appropriate Insulation Type for the Application
  • Is removable insulation needed for some or all areas?
  • Should the insulation be standard or high density?
  • What is the desired insulation lifespan or replacement schedule?
  1. Economical Insulation Thickness
  • Does the required thickness fit within the budget?
  • Is the post-installation return on investment period acceptable?
  • In cases of limited space, would specialized insulation like Nano Aerogel be more cost-effective than conventional options?
  1. Essential Information from Insulation Manufacturers or Suppliers
  • Thermal Conductivity values
  • Bulk Density
  • Material Safety Datasheet (MSDS)

