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Which Type of Thermal Insulation Should You Choose?


For those tasked with reducing heat or energy costs through thermal insulation, questions or uncertainties may arise about selecting appropriate insulation that provides good value for investment. NTI summarizes key considerations when choosing thermal insulation as follows:

  1. Insulation Effectiveness
  • Heat reduction capability and service life of the insulation
  • Selected insulation must effectively solve actual on-site problems for all parties
  • Higher density insulation has a longer service life than lower density insulation
  • Value assessment must consider both price and service life – considering price alone while getting short-lived insulation can turn seemingly cheap options into expensive ones
  1. Insulation Usage Patterns
  • Removable insulation provides convenience, speed, and value for frequently accessed points
  • Metal-jacketed insulation costs less than removable types, making it suitable for points not requiring removal
  • If both thermal and acoustic insulation are needed at the same point, choose insulation from manufacturers with test reports for Transmission Loss (TL) or Sound Absorption Coefficient (SAC)
  1. Essential Properties to Consider
  • All thermal insulation must be fire-retardant (with manufacturer certification)
  • Insulation must clearly show safe operating temperature range (e.g., -20C to 600C)
  • Physical strength, such as tensile strength and compressive strength properties
  • Water resistance, for cases where insulation may be damaged by water or liquid contact
  • Resistance to chemical corrosion or outdoor exposure
  • Human safety, including guidelines for people with insulation allergies
  • When hiring installation contractors, choose those offering after-sales service and proper education