0 2583 8035,
09 8995 4650
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Insulation for Reducing Electricity Costs in Reflow Ovens


Problems and Causes

The Reflow Ovens used in the electronics industry become heat sources in air-conditioned rooms during operation because over 50% of the oven surface lacks efficient thermal insulation. This results in high workspace temperatures and constant strain on air conditioning units due to heat radiation from the oven surface. These issues lead to unnecessary production costs in two ways: 1) wasted electricity from heat radiation at the oven surface, and 2) excessive electricity consumption by room air conditioning units.

Improvement Methods

After collecting temperature data through thermal imaging at various points, it was found that the oven surface had an average temperature of approximately 85 degrees Celsius, while the room temperature was around 28 degrees Celsius. The oven surface still had space available for adding energy-saving insulation/thermal insulation. NTI calculated the energy savings and recommended installing ZAVE® removable insulation on all three sides of the oven. High-density insulation was chosen to ensure longevity and return on investment.

Improvement Results

Comparison Table: Average Oven Surface Temperature (Celsius): Annual Heat Loss (kW): Annual Electricity Cost (Baht):
Before ZAVE® Insulation: 85.0 37,128 136,044.00
After ZAVE® Insulation: 41.7 4,368 15,756.00
Reduction: 43.3 32,760 120,288.00

