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ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Heat-Resistant Fabrics

Product Details

Heat-resistant fabrics are designed to withstand high temperatures and are commonly used in applications requiring thermal protection. These materials are made from special fibers or coated with specific substances, each offering unique properties to enhance resistance to heat, abrasion, and corrosion. The versatility of heat-resistant fabrics makes them suitable for various applications depending on the type of work and temperature levels required.

For instance, they are used to protect industrial machinery from the heat generated during production processes, ensure safety in metal welding operations, or insulate and wrap heat pipes in construction to maintain temperature and reduce energy loss. ZAVE® we offer heat-resistant fabrics with the following features:

  • A variety of fabric types to suit different applications and temperature ranges.
  • Adjustable tensile strength options to match specific requirements.
  • Heat resistance of up to 1200°
  • Water resistance and protection against acid and chemical corrosion.
  • Materials are free from asbestos fibers, ensuring safety for health.